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INTERACT goes downtown #2: Book Talk with Jillian Schwedler

Protesting Jordan

Protesting Jordan

News vom 11.05.2023

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Protesting Jordan - Geographies of Power and Dissent. A conversation with Jillian Schwedler

Am 08. Juni 2023 | 18:00 – 20:00 Uhr

aquarium | Skalitzer Str. 6 | 10999 Berlin

Wir freuen uns sehr, mit Dr. Jillian Schwedler (CUNY) über ihr neues Buch „Protesting Jordan. Geographies of Power and Dissent“ zu sprechen und zu diskutieren.

Das Gespräch wird in englischer Sprache sein und von Dr. Jannis Grimm sowie Myriam Ahmed moderiert werden.

Über das Buch:

“Based on twenty-five years of field research, Protesting Jordan examines protests as they are situated in the built environment, bringing together considerations of networks, spatial imaginaries, space and place-making, and political geographies at local, national, regional, and global scales. Schwedler considers the impact of time and temporality in the lifecycles of individual movements. Through a mixed interpretive methodology, this book illuminates the geographies of power and dissent and the spatial practices of protest and repression, highlighting the political stakes of competing narratives about Jordan's past, present, and future.”


Wir freuen uns auf eine spannende Buchvorstellung und Diskussion!

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