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Join Jannis Grimm on one of two panels at the ECPR 2023 General Conference in Prague!

News vom 07.02.2023

For the European Consortium For Political Research (ECPR) Conference in Prague this year, Jannis Grimm is putting together two panels within the frame of the ECPR standing group on political violence and its call for papers in the ECPR section “Political Violence”. The Standing Group on Political Violence will organise a section "Political Violence", which will be chaired by Leena Malkki, Eleanor Williams and Stefan Malthaner. You can find the description of the section here.

The panels aim to cover the following topics, respectively:

  1. Radical direct action and protest (non)violence, focusing on disruptive protest and civil disobedience as well as the dynamics of confrontation between radical direct action and protest policing
  2. Conditions of backlash to state violence/repression, focusing on the effects of state repression and violence on protest and protesters, the creation (or failure to create) of myths and martyrs through and in the aftermath of repressive events, and the meaning making processes that accompany violent events and mediate their effect

Kindly reach out to Jannis Grimm with a short abstract if you intend to attend the ECPR general conference this year and believe your paper fits either of these two thematic frames. Deadline is February 20.

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