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Jannis Grimm as discussant at ECPR Online seminar "Safety in (and after) the Field", organized by the SG Political Violence, 09.02.2022

News from Jan 14, 2022

Safety in (and after) the Field

9 February 2022, 14:00-16:00 UTC, 15:00-17:00 CET

Speakers: Vera Mironova (Harvard University), Harmonie Toros (University of Kent), Samar Al-Bulushi (University of California, Irvine)

Discussant: Jannis Grimm (Freie Universität Berlin)

Fieldwork is an important aspect of research. While newly gained data can enrich the end product of a researcher’s efforts, the oftentimes draining and painstaking process is easily overlooked. Furthermore, these real experiences "from the ground" still are rarely reflected upon in many handbooks and so researchers often fail to benefit from them prior to departure for the field. As such there is a big knowledge gap between theory and real life experiences such as how to navigate safety-related aspects during and after the field and how to balance one's own and others' risks. In order to address these questions, this session will bring together experienced researchers and draw on their extensive knowledge in various volatile contexts of the Middle East, Africa and Asia. 

You can join the sessions via MyEvents in MyECPR if you have already registered to the seminar series: https://ecpr.eu/MyECPR/MyEvents/MyItinerary/164. If you cannot find the session on that page, add it to your itinerary here: https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/PanelDetails/11532.  

If you have not registered to the seminar series yet, you can do it at https://ecpr.eu/MyEcpr/Forms/EventRegistration.aspx?EventID=164. You need to register only once for the entire series.

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