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Dr. Jannis Grimm on the "SEPAD" podcast

News from Nov 17, 2022

Jannis Grimm spoke to Simon Mabon (Lancaster University, Director of  SEPAD) on the Podcast of the "Sectarianism, Proxies and De-Sectarianization Project".

"On this episode of SEPADPod Simon speaks with Jannis Grimm, head the Research Group Radical Spaces at the INTERACT Center for Interdisciplinary Peace and Conflict Research at Freie Universität Berlin. Jannis' work centres on political violence and state repression in the Middle East and North Africa as well as on processes of mass mobilization and regime contestation from below. He is the author of Contested Legitimacies: Repression and Revolt in Post-Revolutionary Egypt (University of Amsterdam Press, 2022) which is open access here: library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/52656.

On this episode, Simon and Jannis talk about being in Egypt during the Arab Uprisings, the ensuing coup, studying social movements and authoritarianism, legitimacy, meaning making, interdisciplinary and much more."

More information on "SEPADPOD": https://www.sepad.org.uk/podcasts

You can listen to the podcast with Jannis Grimm as well as to other interesting episodes here: https://soundcloud.com/richardsoninstitute/sepadpod-with-jannis-grimm

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