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Save the Date! INTERACT conversations #3 Summer Party & Discussion on „New Radicality? Protest, Violence, and Civil Disobedience“

News from May 23, 2023

Wednesday, June 21 2023, 5 pm

We are very excited to announce the first summer party of the Center for Interdisciplinary Peace and Conflict Research. To celebrate the publication of the issue "Neue Radikalität? Protest, Gewalt und Ziviler Ungehorsam“ of the Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, which is curated by INTERACT, we would like to invite you to a discussion with the contributors and authors (tba) followed by a reception in the garden of the center. We would like to point out that everyone is invited and welcome! However, for the planning of the catering we ask for registration under: info@interact.fu-berlin.de.

More information will follow soon.

Time & Place

  • 5 pm: Discussion
  • 6:30 pm: Summer Party with Reception
  • Altensteinstr. 48, 14195 Berlin


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