Prof. Dr. Dan Miodownik

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nachwuchsgruppe "Radical Spaces"
Guest Researcher "Radical Spaces"
Altensteinstraße 48
14195 Berlin
Dan Miodownik is the Max Kampelman Chair in Democracy and Human Rights and a professor in the departments of Political Science and International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research examines dynamics of conflict processes, particularly the violent manifestations of group mobilization, protest behavior, and ethnic polarization, in national as well as urban settings.
Harran-Diman, Amiad, and Dan Miodownik. 2023. “Legacies of Survival: Historical Violence and Ethnic Minority Behavior.” Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Harran-Diman, Amiad, and Dan Miodownik. 2023. “Bloody Pasts and Current Politics: The Political Legacies of Violent Resettlement.” Comparative Political Studies.
Dan Miodownik, Gillad Rosen, ed. 2023. “Two Jerusalems: Between East and West, Past and Future.” Politika: The Israeli Journal of Political Science and International Relations (In Hebrew).