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Lecture by Jannis Grimm at CEU Online Conference about the Repression of Academic Freedom, 25.01.2022

News from Jan 14, 2022

One year after the forced diisappearance of Ahmed Samir Santawy in Egypt, CEU is organising a free online conference on the topic of Academic Freedom in Egypt on January 25, 2022, the anniversary of the popular uprising against Husni Mubrak in 2011. 


10:30 - 10:45  Welcome Remarks - Shalini Randeria, Rector and President, CEU

10:45 - 11:00  Introducing Ahmed, Introducing the Conference - Dorit Geva, Professor,  Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Ahmed's MA Supervisor, CEU

11:00 - 11:50 Missing Ahmed: Personal Reflections on Ahmed and His Persecution in Egypt - Souheila Yildiz, Zsofi Bacsadi, Ariel Bineth, and CEU peers. Moderator: Dorit Geva, CEU.

12:00 - 12:50 Egypt's Ever-Growing Human Rights Crisis & Amnesty’s Campaign to Free Ahmed - Hussein Baoumi and Denise Tan, Amnesty International. Moderator: Jean-Louis Fabiani, CEU.


13:30 - 13:55  Our Students Ahmed Samir and Patrick Zaki - Vlad Naumescu, CEU; Dorit Geva, CEU; and Rita Monticelli, Univeristy of Bologna (GEMMA consortium). Moderator: Claudio Sopranzetti, CEU.

14:00 - 14:25 Law and Courts in Sisi's Egypt - Mai El-Sadany, The Tahrir Institute for  Middle East Policy. Moderator: Prem Kumar Rajaram, CEU.

14:30- 14:55 Threats to Academic Freedom and the Role of Higher Education Communities - Alex Bell, Scholars at Risk. Moderator: Ariel Bineth, CEU.

15:00 - 16:00 Researching Under the Gun: Conducting Safe and Ethical Research in West Asia and North Africa Today - Jannis Julien Grimm, Freie Universität Berlin. Moderator: Alexandra Kowalski, CEU.

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