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Read now! POMEPS studies #51: The War on Gaza and Middle East Political Science with a contribution by Jannis Grimm

News from Apr 22, 2024

The new POMEPS (Project On Middle East Political Science) study "The War on Gaza and Middle East Political Science" contains reflections on critical junctures for the Middle East and for Middle East Political Science. Among others, Jannis Grimm contributed to this Special Issue with his article: "On Academic Integrity and Historic Responsibility: Shrinking Spaces for Critical Debate in Germany after October 7".

"This special issue of POMEPS Studies offers a platform for scholars to think through what feels like a moment of rupture for the Middle East, for Middle East Studies, and for long-standing assumptions about the region’s politics. This POMEPS collection originated as an open call for papers for scholars affected by or invested in these urgent issues, in an initial effort to give a platform and a voice to those in our network who have grappled with these trends. We kept the call intentionally broad, asking potential authors to reflect on the effects of October 7 and the Gaza War on politics or scholarship.  As it turned out, most of the contributors wanted to talk about academic freedoms and the conditions of public discourse in their countries – perhaps because of how profoundly they felt this crisis, perhaps because of the availability of other platforms to discuss the war itself. The issues confronting our field have never been more urgent and the need for academic networks and institutions to rise up to defend it has never been greater."


Download the full Special Issue pdf here.

Table of Content:

The Middle East and Middle East Studies after Gaza
Marc Lynch, George Washington University

The Hidden War on Higher Education: Unmasking the ‘Educide’ in Gaza
Ibrahim S.I Rabaia, Birzeit University and Lourdes Habash, Birzeit University

Organized Forced Migration, Past and Present: Gaza, Israel-Palestine and Beyond
Fiona B. Adamson, SOAS, University of London & Kelly M. Greenhill, Tufts University and MIT

The Wretched of Political Science and the Fanonian Shift
Alexei Abrahams, Canadian Media Ecosystem Observatory, McGill University

On Academic Integrity and Historic Responsibility: Shrinking Spaces for Critical Debate in Germany after October 7
Jannis Julien Grimm, Freie Universität Berlin

Supporting plausible acts of genocide: Red lines and the failure of German Middle Eastern Studies
Benjamin Schuetze, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute (ABI) Freiburg, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Germany

Teaching the Middle East after October 7:Reflections on Academic Freedom, Antisemitism, and the Question of Palestine
Nader Hashemi, Georgetown University

Antiwar/Solidarity Activism on Gaza: New Generation, New Challenges
Stephen Zunes, University of San Francisco

Struggling for Relevance? Academia and Public Debate on Israel/Palestine in the Czech Republic
Jakub Zahora, University of New York in Prague; Jakub Kolacek, Charles University; Tereza Plistilova, Charles University

Europe and the abused “Shoah guilt complex” after October 7
Claudia De Martino, CORIS, La Sapienza University

Mis-framing the Houthis: The European Debate Focuses on Iran, And Eclipses Yemen
Eleonora Ardemagni, Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI)

How the war in Gaza shattered Iraqi civil society’s trust in Western institutions
Hamzeh Hadad, European Council on Foreign Relations

The Impact of the Gaza War on Jordan’s Domestic and International Politics
Curtis R. Ryan, Appalachian State University

Gaza and the Gulf States
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy

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