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Contrust Lecture Setries: "Trust Contexted" - Join Jannis Grimm's lecture on May 10

News from Apr 13, 2023

Join Jannis Grimm's lecture on “Revolutionary Burnout: Trust Erosion and the Demobilization of Lebanon’s Thawra Uprising” which is part of the "Trust Contexted" Lecture Series, organized by the Excellence Cluster Initiative "Contrust- Trust in Conflict. Political Life under conditions of Uncertainty".

In the summer semester 2023, the Excellence Cluster Initiative ConTrust – Trust in Conflict. Political Life under Conditions of Uncertainty organizes the Lecture Series Trust Contexted. Taking an interdisciplinary perspective, international trust scholars will examine the dynamics of trust in conflict in diverse contexts. The program aims at providing a setting for unconventional and critical perspectives on current trust conceptions, theories and approaches.

Time & Location:

Wednesday, May 10, 6-8 pm (c.t.) | Room EG 01

Building „Normative Ordnungen“
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Please register in advance: schreiber@hsfk.de

If You cannot make it in person, it is also possible to join via Zoom:

Meeting-ID: 697 0873 2057
Code: 789619

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