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New article by Mariam Salehi: "Confined knowledge flows in transitional justice" in Territory, Politics, Governance

News from Apr 25, 2023

Read this new article by Mariam Salehi, published in "Territory, Politics, Governance" as open access!

Salehi, Mariam (2023): Confined knowledge flows in transitional justice


The article contributes to literature that critically scrutinizes knowledge production and transfer in conflict and intervention contexts. Drawing on original research on the Tunisian transitional justice process, it contributes an empirically grounded picture to the study of co-production of governance orders and security knowledges through transnational assemblages. These transnational assemblages are formed by complex coalitions of actors from the Global North and South, and the socio-material context they operate in. The article shows how security knowledge is produced, channelled, and steered into confined knowledge flows as transitional justice processes unfold. It then shows the ambivalent nature and different qualities of confined knowledge flows as they may be enabling and limiting, exclusionary and protective, and implicated with power relations. By doing so, it contributes to the understanding of how the (neo-)liberal politics of transitional justice are reproduced.

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